| - Dear Beck,
The only reason I still hang on to liking you at all is because I see you everywhere.
I can't get you outta my mind.
LOSE A STAR 1: Hailo.
LOSE A STAR 2: Hailo. For reals.
Seriously. Why would anyone* ever use anything else?
Note I am a heavy user of taxis. Hailo changed my life.
LOSE A STAR 3: No consistency of service standards. Why do we so often encounter rude drivers, stinky cars, drivers talking on the phone the whole time, ridiculous fare refusals, taking long routes to hike up fares, bad/dangerous driving... how can we improve this area???
KEEP ONE STAR: The Beck drivers that are Hailo members are the cream of the crop! I shouldn't really give BECK a star for this, but it's noticeable in heavy Hailo use. Go Beck drivers on Hailo!
KEEP ONE STAR: Drunk inner Rosie S. just can't quit you, Beck. You are everywhere and anywhere. Your shining orange and green haunts my dreams... which might not actually be dreams but foggy memories of the evening prior... either way, your bright glow sets you apart from all the others. And I love you for it.
To review: When I hail a cab using Hailo, I hope it's a Beck driver.
So: If you are hailing a cab on the street, buyer beware... but know that Beck is at least a real company, and a safe option.
*anyone somewhat sober