Serious workman's clothing. Your well-dressed electrician or plumber will be wearing this gear. Or if you spend some time outdoors in the not-always-pleasant weather as I do they've got stuff for you.
I bought a pair of shoes in the store. Plenty of time to wear them around while I visited the tool museum and other items of interest in the store. But when I got them home these shoes morphed into foot hobbling weapons. I'll take full responsibility for this problem. But now having worn these shoes for a half day on errands I was at the company's mercy for a refund.
No problem. Following clear online instructions I shipped the shoes back (at my cost) and received a full refund. And THEY even apologized to me. I thought this was a gracious response. I'm sorry the sale ended in a refund. But I think this reinforces the idea that you can buy from this store and they will stand behind their merchandise.
I look forward to buying something that I'll actually keep!