I was in there earlier this week and I won't be going back. The man who cut my hair seemed like he was trying to make it a race or something and was going very quickly and he was kind of rough. I asked for a trim (about an inch is what I asked) and a face frame. By the time he was done he told me he did that and cut me layers so my hair would look more voluminous since I have thin hair. I wasn't too upset at that point but a little disappointed because I was actually trying to grow out my layers. It looked pretty good while it was damp. He offered to blow dry my hair but I declined, I wish I would have though because when I got home and blew dry it real quick to play with it I noticed he basically cut a chunk of hair off on the right side and my hair isn't even on both sides, its about a 1 inch difference. And my hair is thin so my longest layer looks unnatural and is almost completely missing on the one side where it looks like he cut a chunk off. I thought about going back but they'd probably have to cut another inch or so off which seems devastating to me since my hair grows slow and I've been trying to grow it out. I've learned you get what you pay for, I'll be using a different salon now.