It's taken me almost two months to right this review so please note I took time to think before writing this. She is an exceptional hair stylist for someone who has relaxed or texlaxed type hair but for us naturals-- I hate to report after my last visit I know have a noticable patch of heat damage located at near my forehead!
To be fair, I was wearing extensions and my leave-out needed to be straightened in order to fully blend!!! That said, I wear extensions approximately 3-4 times a year and this is the first time in years, years that my hair has been damaged to this extent. I'm left with two choices-- attempt to grow it out or big chop my hair!!!! And yes, I've tried everything to get my hair to revert back!!!!
As a new AZ resident, I'm beyond frustrated, devastated and now left trying to figure out what to do with my hair!!!!