Visiting from out of town I had to stop by the biggest shop in town for my first experience.The facility it's self is a huge warehouse type building with big floor to ceiling windows. It was a beautiful building. When you first walk in there is a man that checks your ID and a security guard. I didn't know what to do and they helped explain you just go to the counter and look at what you want and then someone will help you look and purchase. The first time I went in it was very overwhelming, they have TONs of products. Some of the people behind the counter didn't speak or really help I had a very nice guy who had probably watched me circle the store a few times who finally got me to decide on what I really was looking for.
If you're going for your first time I suggest doing a once over and then really figure out what you want. People visiting from out of town be reasonable with your purchases and remember that what you purchase has to all be consumed before you leave. Can't take that shit on the plane lol
Over all I was impressed