| - First off this was my third time here and I did not pick the locale for the Ladies Who Lunch munch, as my two previous visits would never warrant a return for a third shot. But I dummy up and defer; all the while repeating a please don't suck mantra with my inside voice and hoping three's a charm rather than three strikes you're out.
I'm the only one drinking and I'm pretty jazzed about sucking down some post-morning mojitos. It can only lend to my magical thinking and help me ignore the do you think she might need a liver transplant in the future glances from my comrades. What arrives is a very attractive Mojito complete with fresh perky mint, but alas, all style and no substance with its artificial lime undertone, the liver can go to someone else.
What we picked, shared and compared:
The Top Shelf Guacamole prepared table side. After much ferreting, poking, probing into this mushy mound I though I heard a faint whisper. Can you taste me now? What about now? Umm, that would be a NO! Bland and tasteless through and through.
Beef & Chicken Combination Fajitas. A pretty plate of more banal and tasteless food (chicken that tasted as if it had been boiled first); except for the horrid overcooked and sour tasting rice, which was pathetically terminal, not worth saving and best left to science.
Torta De Pollo. Nothing to say as there was nothing to taste. Did Sysco not deliver spices this week?
Chimichanga De Pollo Poblano. The best of the lot, but not by much. More than half is sitting in my fridge and destined to be sent to the dumpster or Smithsonian.
Nice enough decor, pleasant enough service, but than doesn't save the third epic food fail.
Three strikes! Out! Game done! Series over!