| - What a shithole.
Ruined my college experience FORever.
I had ONE good professor. My FIRST semester. Take Mr. Pizor for PoliSci (PSC 211). He's great. I still have his cell number years later.
After that, it was all downhill. I lost my millennium not because I'm an idiot that couldn't bullshit to save her life, and it's not like I went out and partied til 2 am. I had SHITTY instructors.
Ones that didn't show up to class and there wasn't a note on the door. Ones that only gave powerpoints (people learn in a variety of ways, I can't stare at your stupid screen all day). Teachers would hold class when they SAID there would be no class. They tested us on the opposite of what they said they would (in-class notes v. book).
They cut spending, raise tuition, and I come back to school and see exactly where my money went (yes, MY money, not my mommy & daddy's money). The campus police got new Dodge Durangos and pimped out Segway scooters.
Meanwhile, I have instructors that are still in school to RECEIVE their education.
I registered for at least 2 of my classes last year because a friend told me to study under certain professors for certain classes. They were traded for instructors because they don't have to pay them nearly as much.
One of my instructors (he replaced one of said professors) hadn't been in a classroom since before OJ Simpson first went on trial. If you have any idea when that was, you'll understand why I'm furious.
I took PoliSci 101 for the Nevada History credit. It's the same shit as AP Gov, which I aced all throughout highschool. I knew all of the material we were going over. In a class of 70+ I was one of 2 people to even be politically active and caucus. You don't know what gerrymandering is? Bloody hell, go back to highschool.
I got a D in the class because I had a crazy lickalotopus instructor. After handing her my scantron and bluebook she would always tell me what a great job I did in class and that my last essay was wonderful. After the final she tried talking to me like I was her girlfriend or something, but I had another test to get to. She told me how wonderful I was and that I did a great job this semester. How then do I manage to get a D? I memorize answers for essay questions using acronyms, so I know I get them correct.
The quality of learning is definitely lacking here.
The tuition is more expensive than it should be.
WebCampus is supposed to be a huge utility, and they're requiring that professors use it. I hate it. Especially when instructors change the time/place of your final less than 12 hours before the final was scheduled.
I hate the campus. I hated marching band.
Our football team is a disgrace.
The dorms are ridiculous.
The commons serve decent food.
Some of the buildings are interesting. But some of them are falling apart.
They have a Mormon church on campus, and those assholes have their own parking lot. To my knowledge, they don't have to get a parking pass for that lot either.
I just don't see the point in going here. It's a horrible education for a horrible price.
Totally UNLoVed.
And as Urban Dictionary calls it: University of Non-Learning Vacation.
I'd be better off with no college under my belt versus any time spent "learning" at UNLV.