I love going to an afternoon Jays game but there is something really breathtaking about sitting up top on a warm, breezy evening. Save your money and buy $12 tickets and enjoy the fresh air in the nosebleeds. It's the only time I'm happy to have the worst seats in the house.
What I don't like about the Rogers Centre is the fact that it's now called the Rogers Centre. Why couldn't they change the name to the Rogers Skydome? In the end, it will ALWAYS be the Skydome in my heart and I will never utter the words Rogers Centre, that I swear.
Another shitty thing is the expensive food and drinks, but that's the way it goes at sporting events, I suppose.
I should note that I have only ever seen the Jays play the Yankees and when I lived in New York I couldn't even entertain seeing a game due to the insanely high ticket prices. We should be really thankful tickets are affordable no matter how popular and great they are.