I took a seat at the very empty "glorified food court" aka "Richtree Market" and was planning on getting a slice of pizza or something else as soon as I had finished the last sips of my Starbucks iced coffee. 5 minutes after taking a seat, I was accosted by a crazy cleaner lady in her 50s who claimed she owned the restaurant (lol) and *tried* to kick me out while I was simply minding my own business, texting and finishing my Starbucks. I was waiting for a friend. She haughtily said "it's not a food court", implying that I can't just sit there. When she realized I wasn't budging and couldn't care less, she threatened to call security. I was like, bring it on! I live for this sort of drama.
NOTE to the business: if you are going to try to enforce a rule, then you have to do it to everyone, not just me. Singling out one person is discrimination. If I can point to people around me drinking Starbucks, and people not eating anything or even worse consuming their OWN FOOD (like 2 people at the counter) then I ain't going anywhere.
I would have LOVED if security came. I'm sure they would have had much more sense than she. Alas she was just BSing me.