I purchased a Groupon for this business for a "90 minute couples massage with choice of facial or jacuzzi, champagne and chocolate covered strawberries" I called to make an appointment and no one answered. I left a wwmessage and someone called me back the next day. They explained that it is actually a 60 minute massage and 30 minutes of jacuzzi or facial. I chose the facial. The did call a day before the appointment and let me know that they are located in a house which was helpful. I will tell you that it is a very nice home. I did not read the reviews here on Yelp before making an appointment and for once, I am glad that I did not. My friend and I went and were very surprised about how nice the lobby was. There was tranquil music playing. They gave us each a form to fill out with any issues and all that. It did have the suggested tip in there and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. The difference in this massage is that the masseuses didn't go over anything before hand like they usually do. They left the room, we got undressed and laid on the tables. They had table warmers and the sheets were so lovely and soft. I thought the massuses did a great job and took their time with us. The only concern I had was that I did not see their licenses or certifications anywhere in the building. They did a nice job as far as Sweedish massages but I have a hard time believing they would be up for a deep tissue massage. This was my first time having a professional facial so I do not have anything to compare it to. It did feel very lovely but I did not see a difference in my skin afterward, which is fine. Overall, I would come back with a groupon.