Not good. I was shocked to find out that they now charge 1.50 for a pinch or two of red pepper flakes. It's as if McDonalds started charging for ketchup. I will say 7.99 for a large pie is a deal - but not if youre compensating by upcharging for condiments given for free in most pizza joints.
The pizza had a lot of bubbles throughout the crust and was generally lackluster.
Too many amazing pizza places in Phoenix to bother with this substandard chain.
EDIT: I have now heard this is a CORPORATE owned store I visited. Pathetic. Teach your people how to manage the dough properly. There should NOT be that many bubbles in my pizza and your employees should not RUDELY tell me I have to pay for red peppers when all the FRANCHISES in the same metro area offer red peppers for FREE.