| - We passed smog! Another great year in the books and we look forward to next year's test. We now have 364 days to prep for it.
I never got the name of the attendant who helped myself & Peter Pilot out. Petey has great lineage hailing from the Honda clan. It was clear that said attendant was having himself a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Granted, Pete & I did show up at 5:40pm, about 20 minutes before closing time. It's very possible that I interrupted an intense game of soduku, that's always frustrating. Maybe he had a slew of #SMOGfails throughout the day and it made him sad? I respect those who are passionate about what they do. Before I arrived maybe he got a text that his wife's, mother's, cousin's, friend of her brother caught a cold and that bummed him out because they hung out like a week ago? Or, did he go to the nearby McDonald's and order an Oreo McFlurry only to get back to his fun sized booth and realize he got M&M's instead? Is it possible that his favorite Netflix show got cancelled? No, that's not possible because Stranger Things is still on, but maybe he's upset that no new episodes are available (aren't we all?)? Whatever it was, it certainly impacted his friendliness towards me and my pal P-Hondy.
Fortunately for Pedro Pilot he passed smog for his 11th consecutive year and we uneventfully went on our way.