i am working in north scottsdale again and wanted to find a nearby yoga spot to stay in shape and try to heal my knee at. i found sumits and while i am not a fan of heated it can be good for toning up a bit. the first two microphone blaring instructors were tolerable the third one (David) was an outright jerk/ass.
i get there tonight at 5:30 and start signing in and right away start getting harassed by this guy:
"are you new?" he asks.
"31 years new i guess." is my reply.
(blank stare) he gives back. "are you new?" he asks again.
"to yoga, or this studio?" I ask back.
(stares at me) he replies.
so i smile and offer my hand "i am roger" i say and he goes for the death grip
"david" he replies. "we are gonna get started here soon"
"well i hope i dont ruin everything being a few minutes late" i reply.
"its just rude to show up to yoga late" he snaps back.
wow! what a professional attitude to take with someone who is trying out a studio that you are a substitute at. what a yogic attitude to take with someone who is going to be your student for 70 minutes for the first time. peace be with you my friend.
this is unreal to me and seems very opposite to what yoga is. however i guess the microphone should have given it away. this is not yoga. this is an aerobics class masquerading as yoga. and the combative attitude that David showed me today is typical of a GYM not a yoga studio.
so i left. i may go back a few more times cause i have a week left on the intro program that i am doing for $20, but after that this place wont see another dime from me.
oh and i love how up till the two negative reviews showed up today the only other review was from the owner himself.
try yoga village across the 101 or head to chandler and tempe for innervision or phoenix for gravity center yoga. all of which i have reviewed before.