What a fantastic space (big ups to an old CMU professor!) and a fantastic menu! Drinks menu and food menu.
My cachaca cocktail was quite good, and then the rye one too. My friend and I shared the tofu entree and the seitan entree. They were both fantastic. The smoked salmon appetizer with a bit of cream cheese and everything seasoning was genius. The risotto with the parmegiano medallion on top was pretty interesting and very good, as well. I could go on and on, but you just have to try it to get how innovative and daring everything is. I would say the place has NY prices and is not a deal by any means, but it's good, so it is definitely worth it.
Oh and the open kitchen is a big plus. I really like seeing the chefs-at-work, especially because the majority were quite nice to look at. :-)
Yes, the menu being entirely on the wall is actually quite annoying. If there is a sun glare, you can't see half of it, and you do end up taking some of your neighbor's personal space trying to see the rest of it. They should consider making a paper menu for some of the staples, or at least for the drinks.