| - F anyone in the A that says anything bad about this place. I've been coming here for 11 years now and have not only received the best service each and every time, but I have had the most delicious, exceptionally prepared food for breakfast I've ever been exposed to. This place has the best, THE BEST, food, of any place I've ever been willing to drop $50 bucks on. I'm not joking. I'm assuming that if the menu is the same at the Strip locations, it's the same, but I've been coming here without fail to spend about $600 bucks a year on the most delicious breakfast yummies I've ever had the chance to experience. When I come here, it's to basically nut in my pants while eating the best breakfast food ever created.
Biscuits are hand made daily. The jam is made by hand based on the fruits that are in season. The chicken is, no joke, the best you'll have, ever. Presentation is magnifico, towers of food, uncooked pasta and herbs garnished, ginormous plates. I've never had a *meh* or middle of the road entree here, and while the servers aren't looking to stalk me on FB as some people would prefer, they are professional and courteous.
I cannot say enough good things about HHAGG, and will always be a loyal customer of this particular establishment. As I said previously, F anyone in the A that says otherwise. Long and hard.