While it's great that these guys will make a donation for an animal you've brought to them that ended up having to be put down, they are most certainly very dishonest.
In reference to the response comment from VETS to my previous review, I most certainly acknowledge that they claimed to have made a donation in memory of m'lady's cat. They most certainly however did not give us the option of euthanasia, and I have the written estimate to prove all the services that they did offer, at the bottom of which there's a total of between approximately $2000 and $3000, and verbally we were told that the cost for us to leave him there would be $1000.
As for how the cat was feeling before we took him home, he was back to himself. He had been feeling ill for about a month and he had been eating on and off. The reason why we brought him in was that he began falling over as if he couldn't stand on his feet, and the fact that all the symptoms we gave were taken as the reason for having brought him in to emergency show that there was a miscommunication. That would explain why there is no mention within any of their description under the "Specialties" section below to explain that they will listen to you and ensure that they know what they're dealing with.
While in this update I have given this clinic an extra star in my review because they've made a donation on memory to m'lady's cat (or so they claim), I most certainly do not respect the staff that lastly dealt with him and even less-so Jonathan M's comment which blatantly lies about options having been given to us.
So in conclusion, while their initial check-up fee is lower than some of the other emergency clinics around, I would most certainly not return to this clinic based on my experience both in the clinic and with their comments in response to my previous review.