| - I went to the main, open to the public event on Saturday. What a zoo. The parking garage was totally overflowing and was nearly impossible to park. After 20 minutes of circling, I finally found a spot. (I guess I got lucky because it took my friend 35 minutes to find a spot).
I was relieved to have finally parked and was looking forward to tasting some good wine and relaxing a little. Wrong. When I entered the convention area it was mobbed. The lines at the tasting tables were long. Usually about 5+ minutes to squeeze your way to the front of the line and finally get a glass, only to have the people behind you bumping into you all the while. It was loud and busy, so there was practically no time to ask the wineries/distributors/retailers even one question. I was unimpressed by the selection of wine. Most of what they had you could find at your local grocery store for $3-20/bottle. Nothing unique or exciting to try.
Walking through the convention area was nearly impossible. I walked most of the way with my arms across me just to pass through all the people. There were also a lot of rude and/or pushy people. The food was practically nothing. There were cheese, crackers, fruit, and a couple of hot items. Not exactly what I was expecting based on some of the promo, but I wasn't there to eat so wasn't too upset.
The event ran from 7-10. They weren't kidding when they said ends at 10. At 9:50 there was an announcement thanking everyone for coming out and stating that the event would be closing in 10 minutes, and many of the vendors had started packing up. Nice. They pulled the food stations up about 9:45. And, yes, many of the vendors did start packing up early. At 9:54 they started herding everyone out.
There were bottled water vendors toward the entrance on the way in. Guess what, on the way out they were already packed up/gone, so you couldn't even get water on the way out. Smart.
I have been to far better wine tasting events for less money. My suggestion is to save your money on this and instead go to your local liquor store and buy a couple of nice bottles of wine and stay home. I will never go to UNLVino again.