Have to say after I was talking to a friend of mine about this place I had high hopes. Visited today 03/31/18 during the afternoon.
Impressions: place is nice-new-huge
Selection is vast
Prices include tax and are very good
Staff sucks so bad 1 star and may never return
The place is super easy to find and building is really nice looking. The ID checker in the front was really quite friendly. Balding older guy and sorry I can't remember his name but he told us about the store and was friendly. We walked the store looking at the shirts and glass, and wound up at the counter looking at various products. Make no mistake there is a huge selection. So far so good right? Right that's what we were thinking too, until we actually spoke to a bud tender. It seemed, even though there was only a handful of people in the store that we were bothering the tenders who were just leaning on the counter. One ran away as soon as I asked a question and the other looked complete annoyed. I asked my question and she answered without even cracking a smile. Then we asked her about a preroll to which she said shortly "we're out". Ok cool they are out then I asked what this particular flowers % were. And she actually said "the what"? Ya know the %s of THC CBD etc ? She never did answer the question and we walked away.
Not wanting to totally give up on the place, cuz honestly we drove all the way over here, we went to another tender. She seemed great and we kinda half hearted complained about the girl we had just talked to and she said "some people around here probably should use some product before their shifts." Uh really?? Then - we ask about the SAME prerolls we asked the first chick about and..... and..... AND.. oh ya of course we have them. Which one would you like? Um the other chick said you didn't have them? So she pulls out a sheet and shows us on the sheet as if we were accusing her of lying or something. Uhhh. Just saying we asked about the same product from two dif tenders and gotten two dif answers. So we kinda let that go. Then we get into. A conversation about the Colorado stores. I like that they weigh it right in front of you. A comment I've made to several tenders at several stores. Most agree or pretend to agree but this chick became super argumentative. Almost aggressive with her response telling over and over ya well you don't know what you're getting in Colorado. Just saying it in dif ways each time. We made our final selections and said ok maybe we caught the store on a bad day we'll get this and split.
They handed us a buzzer thing and we waited for our selections. Thought that was super cool. So we wandered over to the glass. Two chicks behind the counter and I lose my grip on the buzzer and it falls. The one says something sarcastic like "oooppps". And walks away. I made a joke about being a clutz and the other chick just kinda stares at us. So I'm looking at a new piece, and we are discussing it the chick can hear us cuz she keeps looking at us, but when I go to ask.... she ducks behind the counter and moves the same piece of glass out of the case then back in - "pretending" to be busy. Ugh. Seriously? I'm spending doe I could spend anywhere but I'm choosing to spend it here in an industry that just a year ago was illegal in NV and you people are gonna treat me this way?? Super disappointed.
Chill people you work in a cannibis store not like at an Applebee's.