Like Samantha, I hate wires. Wire hangers, television wires and yes, even Wire Terriers. And yes, sometimes, in my best Faye Dunaway doing her "best" Joan Crawford I may scream "NO MORE WIRE HANGERS! Or in this case, "NO MORE DANGLING ELECTRICAL WIRES OVER MY DESK BECAUSE THEY ARE FREAKING ME OUT!"
Yeah. Something like that.
Mike is a delight. Prompt. Clean. Smart. Amiable. Affordable. He got my patio speakers up and running and took care of those unseemly visible wires. He educated me on my system and something about amps and voltage and woofers I think. I hope I wrote it down.
Cuz I know my way around the back of a stereo like I know my way around a_________. *you can fill in the blank*