UPDATE - If you need help reach out to a local GEICO agent that is familiar with your state laws! After Dean saw my post he contacted me immediately, contacted the DMV and fixed everything. He also explained that online help can come from other states and they have different DMV laws, so they aren't necessarily empathetic to your needs.
(I switched from State Farm to GEICO in July after some issues that, to me, seemed irresponsible on their behalf. The switch was easy (or so I thought) but after the second month of payment I received letters from the DMV because they had not been notified that we were insured. GEICO is on the list of companies that electronically notify the DMV of insurance coverage, but that wasn't the case. I contacted GEICO online yesterday and asked them to please send my proof of coverage to the DMV and explained that I had received letters. Suddenly, the information they had to insure us wasn't enough, and they needed information that they should have, regarding my vehicles before they could send proof. In my opinion. This is a serious matter. I explained to them that I was at work and didn't have access to the other vehicle. It's frustrating enough that I'm receiving such a letter. Why isn't the notification common practice? When I informed them that DMV was not aware of my switch, they weren't surprised. I hope I'm not fined for this over sight.)