You can't say you don't get your money's worth. If there is a better deal in town I'm not aware of it. I had the lamb souvlaki plate for $11.99. You get a generous plate of lemon potato, rice cooked in chicken broth and a Greek salad.
Quality? The roast potato is cooked just right, and the lemon yogurt sauce has enough herbs to make it interesting. The salad ingredients are fresh and crispy, but I can't tell if the feta is goat or cow milk. I like the rice because it doesn't try to overwhelm you with spices and salt. In fact the salt content in everything is nicely low.
But wait, there's more. On top of all that you get a warm lamb pita. The lamb was hiding underneath but it was worth the search. Can't tell if it was fresh or frozen but it was tender and moist, not at all overcooked.
A very Mediterranean offering that avoids the salt, fat Nd sugar that so dominates most fast food. If you want to have a meal out that doesn't attack your arteries, this is the place.
Yeah, it's in a gas station.