| - The Nursing Director, "Mario" is the heart and soul of this facility. It is he who will make or break the quality and final results of your stay. He is a soft spoken and friendly, caring man, who works long hours and is usually available to not only the patient's family members but to the individual patient as well. I have nothing negative to say about the staff and it includes the doctors, nurses, certified nursing assistants (as an old timer I called them "orderlies", others refer to them as "techs") the housekeepers, the ocupational and the physical therapists and all the kitchen help and even the handyman! The quality and heart appears through out the personnel, from the highest to the lowest. I could use the words "loving", and "tender", and "caring", and "compassionate" for just about all. I want you to consider that I am a retired physician and a former Medical Director of a hospital, so yes, I know what to look for and the questions to ask. Yes I advocate for my wife, but I also see and hear what is happening throughout this small facility ( I believe about 78 patients ) during my daily visits of 6 to 7 hours, 7 days a week. A negative happens to be the constant noise during the day making it necessary to close the room door which does deaden the sound appreciably but warms the room some. Many of the patients have their TVs on rather loudly, add to this the loud hum of certain machines attached to the foot of some patients beds, and loud talk in the hallway. Their food is fair, what you might expect at a nursing facility. There is a good team of both occupational and physical therapists who spend 2 hours a day with patients, 6 days a week, and you can see they care and do a nice job.
My wife just had her 3rd hip surgery due to surgical infection, we changed our surgeon and our rehab facility, both for the better! Today is day 32 of her expected 42 day stay as she requires 6 weeks of intensive IV therapy with the hope of finally extinguishing this terrible infection. The previous 6 week treatment was cut short after 33 days due to the severity of her reaction to the very powerful antibiotics as well as insufficient quality of care in another facility.
I think it would be difficult to find a better post acute rehab anywhere within a 15 to 20 mile radius.