This is the Subway by my house. I go to lots of different Subways around the valley so I feel like I have a good basis of comparison when I say this one deserves 5 stars. First of all, it's always SUPER clean. I love that. Second, the staff are friendly and responsive, not to mention the fact that there's not a lot of staff turnover. The staff make good choices - honestly, I've been at other Subways where I'll say "just a little light mayo" and they layer it on in a blanket, make a big mess out of it when I ask them to remove some of it, then wrap my sandwich up with their hands a big mayo-y mess so that my sandwich and the papers it's wrapped in are a trainwreck. That would never happen at this Subway. Also, the staff will banter with each other AND with customers in a very friendly appropriate way. Another time, I came in to buy gift cards and there was a bit of a snafu with it. It was no big deal and the situation was resolved, but none-the-less the owner gave me an extra gift card for a free 6" for my trouble - so unnecessary but it illustrates what a great Subway location this is.