Consider yourself warned, fellow Yelpers. This is simply as good as a burger gets in this life. This place was opened by a few people in DC and now its spreading life wild-fire across the entire country. There is one reason: *it is the best hamburger joint in the world.*
Though I'm a fifth generation Californian, I did have the opportunity to live in Washington, DC for a time. This is the type of place my co-workers, family and friends would regularly travel to when it meant a 45 minute drive through traffic. The way they cook their burgers and those boardwalk fries... pure heaven. This place blows other fast food joints out of the water, to the point where it's not even worth comparing. You really have to look at a place like Delux or Fez to find a burger comparable here in the Valley, and even they can't do it as well as Five Guys, a pure piece of Americana. Take advantage of it and go eat at it ASAP. I'm glad they brought this to Arizona and you certainly will be too upon trying it.