You know what the problem with having a tummy bug is? Well for me it's that after a day and a half of feeling miserable and having no appetite, I'm h-u-n-g-r-y afterwards. And what better way to satiate a post recuperation hunger with a good burger? And I mean a really good burger!
Such was the case this past week with me. I took care of it with a good Mitchburgher Burger. Mmmmm! I ate that entire 1/2 lb beef patty with all it's charbroiled goodness topped off with lettuce, onion, pepperjack cheese and their special sauce--with a side of fries. My coworker looked at me in amazement and asked "My lord, Susan, where'd you put all that"?
Hey, when you've got the post flu munchies, you've gotta take care of 'em.