This place gets one star because that's the least I can give them. I went in to this store to get two items, WD40 and HVAC coil cleaning spray. Neither item is unique and one would think that an employee of a hardware store would have at least a basic knowledge of each. WRONG! The kid behind the counter (he was probably 19 or 20) was lost when I asked about the HVAC cleaner and sent me on a wild goose chase throughout the store. He gets a pass because he's young, is probably Is just working the counter as a summer gig and I wouldn't expect him to know much about HVAC supplies. The real idiot was the old grouch sitting behind the paint desk. He sat his crab-a** back there drying paint samples. After my third trip around the store junior asked the clown behind the paint counter if he knew where the HVAC cleaner was. Crab-a** looks up at me like a chicken staring at a card trick and asks in an irritated tone, "what do you want?" To which I replyed, HVAC coil cleaner. Again, as if I was interrupting his paint drying, he says "what about it?" and for the third time I asked where I could find it. His response was "I don't know, try over by the filters" as he returned to his paint drying. Now that's what I think of when I hear John Madden talking about the "helpful hardware man".
Do yourself a favor, avoid these jerk-offs and go the a real hardware store like lowes or home depot,