Probably like most, I read the negative and positive reviews and tried to keep an eye out for some of the things being said. Reservation wise we were fine, I called a couple hours ahead on a wednesday night so I didnt have an issue. As expected the food was ridiculously good, the person I was with travels to Mexico a lot so was being a bit more of a snooty snoot about his stuff. Complained about some traditional drink not being right, but I think its nice to see restaurants put their own spin on things....
In terms of the It started down pouring while we were there so we sat and had a drink at the bar to wait it out. The bartender overheard us talking about our walk to the car a couple blocks away and asked one of the servers that was leaving if they'd give us ride. I cant believe how nice that was! I wish I could remember the names of the guys that helped us out, but either way I think that really speaks volumes about the business.