Some people love IKEA..then again, I guess some people love going to the dentist or love getting a colonoscopy.
IKEA is like a consumer-culture Disneyland. I was appalled to see lines of families filing into maze of cheap housewares. Everything is impeccably styled to fit with the latest trends, meaning 5 years from now it will all be out of fashion and need replacing. Moderately priced, but not built to last. And guess what, you have to put it together yourself (joy)
Like I said, some people love to buy stuff. Actually, lots of people like to spend every penny earned on disposable crap made of plastic and particle board. Think about it..your IKEA furniture will probably spend 5-10 years in your house and another 200 in a landfill.
Even more bizarre, IKEA sells food!? There is a cafeteria where you can order a fried chicken dinner for $4 and breakfast for $2. And they ship Swedish meatballs direct from the country of origin. (IKEA is a Swedish company)
If your a typical American consumerist, who would rather spend a Saturday at the mall rather than in the park, then you will LOVE IKEA. Me, I'm a minimalist and agree with Tyler Durden. The things you own begin to own you...better no buy a bunch of crap.