I have found my new favorite foot spa in Las Vegas! I love how this giant space is divided into cute little two-person rooms, and who doesn't love trees wrapped in Christmas lights?! All four of the massage therapists I've met were all SUPER nice, even if limited in English.
- Check in on Yelp for $18 foot massage. Without check-in is $25.
- If you want someone who can use a lot of pressure, tell the desk lady up front that you want someone strong! Don't just complain at the end.
- ***PLEASE, guys. Please tip well as they live off of mostly tips, just like bartenders and servers. They barely make any money off of the actual massage and deserve a livable wage for busting ass. Please take care of them as this is a hard job.
- $15-20 is recommended for a great massage, but I'll leave $25-30 since it's still hella cheaper than going to a fancy spa, and they bust ass to work my knots out. ($20 tip with Yelp check-in = $38 for an hour!!! That's still AH-MAZING.)
Don't be afraid to communicate during massage and ask for more or less pressure. Everyone is different, and they won't know what you like unless you speak up.
Lastly... enjoy!