Alright so...
The first time I ate here I asked for extra sauce and got a dry pizza, but it was okay they were nice about it and the stuff crust was really stuffed. So this time I call ask for the same thing but explain really make sure there is extra, extra sauce last time it was dry.
When I go in to pick it up the guy was friendly and helpful and when I looked at the pizza it was dry again. When I told them that what I assume was the manager a tall, light brown, with glasses fellow. Said that it was extra sauce and already feeling the attitude, so I take a bite and as I thought it was dry no where near what I asked for and told him. He then gets more attitude about how I can't take a bite and expect another pizza. And I told him again this is not extra sauce and he insisted again it is. At which point I said it is not extra sauce to my preference. To avoid more argument I just asked for a side of sauce and left.
I don't know if just because how I was dressed in my casual clothes or what that made him assume I'm some erchant trying to get a free pizza but that was not the case. The whole experience was down right embarrassing and add someone who did fast food for a couple years I get it, alot of people do try to just get a free meal and can be very rude. But this was not the case with me and I assure you I will be going to Little Caesars across the street for now on. At least there I can save $10 on the pizza. It won't be stuff crust which is my favorite but when I want that I'll gladly drive over to the Boulder Highway location. At least there they listen when I ask for extra, extra, sauce and actually stuff the crust not pita tiny bit of cheese and leave a big air pocket!
The fact that the reviews reflect others misfortune with customer service (more so on Google) should of listened to the warnings. Not everyone is bad here there are good people that provide nice friendly service in fact poor Michael did a great job and looked so uncomfortable when the situation started going bad (sorry you had to be apart of that). But tonight I saw the ugly and the fact they allow someone with such poor customer service represent their store at any shift is a shame.
Do not treat your customers like they're free loaders, do not argue that they're wrong when they bring a legitimate complaint. Extra sauce may seem silly to some to write this kind of review that I'm just over exaggerating but it ruins the entire pizza experience for me and I do not take it trivial I want to enjoy my food even more so when I could go across the street and have the same lackluster experience but save $10 doing it.
Teach some interpersonal skills for anyone you're going to have as "management."