Leaf Verde was nothing but a disaster for our stay. I am an event specialist, and this was a great opportunity for work and to spend with my folks finally! Wow... I can't possibly put into words how discriminate this place is. I thought they were very nice when I left my car up front one evening to avoid any issues with parking and was given a parking pass. I was doing everything in my power to adhere to their rules. After a couple of days, my parking pass was no longer good enough. There was no expiration date and the guard unspoken with had told me that everything was fine. I parked where they said. I didn't make noise. I had a pass!!! I'm not going to be apologetic for being forthcoming about occupations and our hours. I never want to disrupt or cause issues for a business. I will not tolerate someone being nasty just because they already swiped my card and think they can manipulate myself and others thanks to a contract. Don't treat people lousy because you can't be up front with your agenda.