I had sliders from this glorious truck maybe two weeks ago and I am a fan!
I ordered the Barbie and the Pep Pep. Both were very good and I recommend that everyone try it. The guy at the window was very friendly and had a lot of energy, which is probably good because that line gets really long. It was a good thing that I got there early because the line just got longer and longer.
I recommend that people go on their site to find out exactly when and where the slider truck will be. Their site also has their menu with a description of each slider.
The sliders are decently priced and decent sizes. I think an average eater can stomach about two and feel comfortably full. They serve their pop in old-school glass bottles. Love it. They also serve candy with your meal which is so cute.
I love the Slider Truck and can't wait 'til I catch it again!