| - As all the other 1 star reviews prove, this is not a store you want to go to. Horrible horrible service.
My interaction with them started when I entered the store and simply asked them what I need to bring should my wife and I want to switch to this specific plan they offered. The manager told me just to bring info from my current cell phone provider so they could port the number. I asked about credit checks, and was told by the manager there was none for this plan. This was important to me because my credit reports were locked for safety reasons and wouldn't be available to T-Mobile unless I unlocked them. Great, I thought, one less thing to do.
So several days later my wife and I return to the store with current cell phone provider info in-hand. They start putting all our information into their computer, and then a problem. The manager call T-Mobile headquarters, and we find out it looks like its a problem because mu credit report is locked. Hmmm.. The manager to me flat-out no credit report is required. Apparently the guy doesn't even understand the process at his own store.
So they tell me I can give them the credit report PIN to unlock the report and then we can move on. We drive home to get this PIN, and return. We live in N. Scottsdale, so its almost a 40 mile drive round-trip, since there aren't any T-Mobile stores nearby.
We return with the PIN, then repeat all our past experiences, entering all this info in which takes at least 10 minutes each time. We get to the credit report part, again, the manager calls T-Mobile, we give them the PIN, and NOPE. Apparently the PIN lets me unlock my credit report, but doesn't let T-Mobile do it.
O.K. so the manager calls the credit report company directly. O.K. I'm put on the phone with them and I spend the next 30 minutes going through the procedure to unblock my credit history for a say. This procedure also costs $5. I ask them if the credit report will be unlocked instantly and they say yes.
So now its back to T-Mobile and I'm put on the phone with them. I get the same woman again who clearly is in India and is extremely hard to understand. She checks the credit report, then says nope. Oh, by the way she mentions, its takes 72 hours after the credit report is unlocked for them to see it. We'll THANKS FOR TELLING ME THAT NOW!!! So we leave without new service, after experiencing the most incompetence I think we have ever witnessed. NEVER EVER GO THERE!!
The manager didn't apologize to use once for initially telling us no credit report was required when one obviously was.