If you like the car salesman experience then you'll thoroughly enjoy the dental services they provide. I was going in for my biannual cleaning and xrays yesterday that my insurance would cover. The front desk was nice but they didnt have me sign a Hippa form which I think is probably a no no. So I went back and they took 19 total x-rays. I was seen by the hygienist followed by the dentist who said everything looked good. I guess the dental hygienist is the guy that runs everything because apparently he overruled the dentist on what type of a cleaning I needed. The dental assistant then came up to me with a price sheet for what it would cost to do my 'deep' cleaning, removed my wisdom teeth, and replace any crowns (that the dentist already said were good). So my FREE insurance covered cleaning all of a sudden turned in a 415 dollar cleaning. I asked if perhaps we could go with a regular cleaning and periodontal mouth wash and was told no THEY HAD to do the deep cleaning first. It seems they try to get you into services you technically do not need.