After being a loyal customer of Just Hockey for decades, I came to Majer Hockey to try the flat bottom sharpening that they have. After two years of top quality skate sharpenings at Majer, I thought I would buy the new Graf Ultra G75, there because my 3 year old Graf G35s were hurting my feet when skating for more than two hours.
I am crowning Majer Hockey the absolute best for hockey in Toronto.
I now realize that the Graf G35 skates I bought at Just Hockey was the wrong fit/model. Not only was I able to get back to a size 8.5 but I did not have to come back for the customized footbeds. I live downtown so its a big hike to Don Mills. Oh yeah, the G75s were $30 less at Majer Hockey.
With skates costing $700 that is a lot of coin to be out if you get the wrong skate, not much resale value in used hockey gear. Maybe I will take up pleasure skating with my still in very good condition G35s.