I was here a few weeks ago. Too bad TIffany couldnt be bothered to get off her phone. I've been here before and had a decent experience. They are close to sams' club and when I have a sitter I try to do multiple errands but I wont be back here. Tiffany was back and forth with her dang phone. I was seriously interrupting her day. The sea salt scrub lasted a couple minutes, the lotion massage was a few more minutes. I asked for a manicure, AFTER the pedicure- so i could move to the tables (I have a bad back)- well more phone calls later and tiffany did the manicure in the pedicure chair. I moved to the drying area and she asked 'you pay now?'. Well I was going to pay on the way out but i guess I can pay now- No tip for tiffany.