Your kidding me right? This place is so nasty .. And the food? The what? They take the " C" out of China... First this place smelled? Not sure if it was urine or cat p**** HUh.... then I get the order . When I treid to explain it was hard for them to understand that HEY I did not order this What do you not understand ? I order (translate) number 6 not 11 I know for some people that is hard to understand .
If this simple one person order gives you problems then maybe you should try something else ? Walmart greeter? Or maybe one of those people that gives out the free sample at stores? On second thought maybe not.... that is to much to understand .. 1) Open box 2) Place on plate 3) Put in microwave 4) hit 'On " for 3 minutes .
There are to many places that have much better food like well... Any where else....