Do your research before taking your kids here. Unorganized they seem to keep replacing staff Our experienced was very very stressful and scary. I had started taking my 3 month old infant on his second day there Dad had picked him up the lady kept saying he's such a good baby he doesn't cry yesterday I fell holding him and he just looked at me he didn't even cry. The next morning my son worked up throwing up I remember my husband had mention to me what she had said I called the day care to find out what had happened and I wanted to see the camera because there was no report done shouldn't this be state mandate by the state to make a report? I was scared that he could of hit his head and him throwing up was due to a head injury I get it accidents happen but the day care failed to notify us the day this happened and there was no way I could of found out if she wouldn't of mentioned it. Luckley nothing happened to my son after this indcident i was given access to the cameras I asked for access the first day I dropped him off and the girl upfront said oh they don't work which they did she just didn't want to sign me up a few days later while at work I noticed that they had my son on a stand up bouncer where I immediately called the office and told them that was not age appropriate for him he wasn't even able to hold his head on his own director said oh it's for development that shows how much they are trained but as a director I would of expected more. Daily reports where given to us I noticed a trend that my son was only given 4-5 ounces of milk throughout the 8-9 hours he was there No one there took any importance on feeding my child and they thought it was okay to ignore his feeding.