| - So I got a $308 ticket for going 11-20mph over limit on the I15 (literally RIGHT at the offramp I was gonna get off on to get my hotel, dammit!) It was a typical speed trap because the cop conveniently stationed himself right at the bottom of a downhill portion of the freeway, where I'm sure most cars are speeding. I was clocked at 21mph over, but the cop said he was going to be nice and cite me at 20mph over so that I'd 'only' be fined $308 instead of $408. GEE, THANKS SO MUCH, OFFICER! I'LL NAME MY FIRST-BORN AFTER YOU FOR SUCH AN EXTREME ACT OF GENEROSITY!
Anyway, I was bummed, but as I was searching online for Las Vegas speeding tickets, LV Traffic Ticket guy popped up. At first I was skeptical, but I read some of the yelp reviews... and then I got skeptical about the yelp reviews.
I told my friends and family about it and they all said the same thing: "Wait, so you're gonna pay some dude $50 to magically make your speeding ticket lower, but it's not even guaranteed? Uhh, that sounds like a scam - he could just do nothing and get your $50." I have to admit, it sounded like some sort of scam to me, too.
I suppose I'm too much of a trusting idiot, so I went to the website, paid my $49.95 through paypal, submitted a copy of my ticket and a copy of my ID, and that was it. LVTTG took it from there, and literally 10 days later I get this e-mail:
"Good news! We have completed the negotiation for your citation. The court has agreed to the following:
You will need to pay a fine of $138.00 and the violation will be amended to illegal parking-no points, no traffic school. You must pay the fine by February 10, 2016. "
I went online to double check, and sure enough, my $308 fine is now $138 (well, $141.something after some fees).
So he saved me $170 just for the ticket, and maybe another $40 or so for not having to do traffic school, and who knows how many hundreds of dollars for not having points on my record. All for $49.95.
I guess being a trusting idiot does pay off sometimes.