I had a bad experience with Dr. K. She greatly increased my hormone replacement after a quick glance at labs. Within a few weeks I felt worse than when I first went in to see her. When I went to another physician and had a laundry list of labs run I was told that my hormone levels were through the roof and it was no wonder that I felt so bad. She compared the labs to the ones Dr. K ran. My new Dr. dropped my hormone replacement significantly but also discovered that I was hypothyroid. My new Dr. compared the labs to the labs Dr. K ran and said that Dr. K should have put me on actual thyroid and not just a thyroid supplement. I actually thought I was going to die. After a couple of months I felt a lot better but am still working on how deficient I was with hormones, vitamins and electrolytes. Perhaps it's good that RejuveNature Medical has closed.