Picked them because they had good reviews. 28 days into our new home, the water heater breaks. Their contractor says it's due to rust that the heating element broke and they won't cover it since it was pre existing. Yet, I provide my home inspection as asked that shows it was all working and rust free. They deny my claim. The contractor offers to do it for $1200 since it wasn't covered (hahahaha. A $400 water heater). Meanwhile, I call GE since it's only 4 years old and under their warranty. They tell me 'oh the bottom element broke, leaked, and caused the rust so we will overnight the part.' AHG was called Friday afternoon, contractor came Saturday, they didn't get back to me saying they wouldn't cover it until I finally called on Tuesday around lunch! After I told them GE said the rust was secondary they apologized and that was it! They said their contractor was wrong and they won't do business with them again. Okay so I wasted a $65 service fee plus my $555 in warranty. Said I 'should get my money back' when I canceled but the manager wasn't sure. He also said I wouldn't get my $65 back since the service company charges that (yet they lied and said the entire tank needed replaced etc). So I cancelled my policy and I guess I will see if they deduct the 15% for cancelling. I hope not since it was their contractors mistake that led to me not being covered, etc. And here I sit with a working water heater thanks to a $20 part sent by GE and no thanks to 6 days and $65 plus $555 with AHG. Best of luck to anyone who chooses them and doesn't buy their most expensive plan!