I have been going to this McDonald's since high school. In fact, it was probably one of the first fast food restaurants to open along this stretch of Route 30. It has been transformed over the years and now its bragging rights includes the fact that the Big Mac Museum is located right inside the heart of their restaurant.
I am always pleased with the warm environment of this place and the fact that it does not feel as though one is eating at a fast food restaurant . There is always something to look at and explore while you are inside the dining area.
Today I stopped in for coffee and just happened to be treated to the activities of a very large bustling group of regular diners know as The Sunshine Group. This group is led by a wonderfully sweet 90-something year old McDonald's employee named Ruthie. The group gets together to socialize, share a meal, and sing a few songs. They were having the time of their lives just singing away on this very gloomy rainy day.
I was invited to come over and join them and help myself to a muffin or two as long as I participated with them in singing a round of "You Are My Sunshine". Who could resist on such a rainy day?