If you've been busting your buttocks M-F to provide a good life for you and yours, and are ready to let it all hang out on the weekend and get your buzz on, (drink and drive responsibly) this is a nice gem of a liquor spot you gotta visit. It's not a huge store like others in town (rhymes with "she") but it's not too small either. It's a quaint spot with a decent collection of alcohol to choose from so that you're not overwhelmed when you walk in. I was able to find 3 of the 4 whiskey brands I was looking for. Very good customer service, cause the guy said I could write my info in their "wish list book", and they would try to get my Yamazaki 12. Whatever the case, I picked up a Macallan 12 and Elijah Craig for under $100. Not to shabby since a pour of the Macallan is about $15-20 depending on where you go.
They have a huge wall of liquor behind the counter where they have a ladder get you what you're looking for... talk about intoxication and inebriation heaven on a massive scale! Two words in a nut shell... Cheers and Shibby!