wasn't really sure what to expect, haven't read a lot about this show, but I am glad my date chose this as replacement for zummanity being dark that week
it really lived up to its billing, if there is only one show you catch in Vegas, this is it
for those of you who are easily offended, best to skip this one!
plenty of political incorrectness for all of you Trump fans!
go with an open mind and enjoy it as good fun
in any case, wanted to post a positive review without ruining the show for those who have not seen it yet!
suffice to say, the seating in this venue leaves very few bad "seats"
we actually had front row seats by center stage and they were well worth the price
to be able to see acts that close up was truly amazing....
no dig on Cirque du Soliel....the Bazillionaire will do plenty of that :-)
but to witness these acrobatic feats from just a few feet away really makes you appreciate the talent involved
the acts may seem tame if witnessed in a larger theater setting like the cirque shows, but that is what made Absinthe special
sorry, didn't go into detail on the various acts, but will leave that for you to judge on your own....just make sure to go see it!