| - I have been a client of Peter's for two years now, and I have to tell you: Once you go Peter Fagan Bookkeeping, you'll never go back to however it is you USED to file your taxes.
Peter Fagan and his team are THE best I have EVER encountered.
Last year he took care of my taxes even though I was living in the States, and this year, I'm not even in the same city as he is, and my tax return already magically appeared in my mailbox.
Peter Fagan is THE Tax Guru. His knowledge is unparalleled. He's got all the tricks in the book and then some, and he always ensures that you will get the maximum tax refund allotted to you.
In the two years that I have been his client, I have gotten more money back on my tax return in one year, than I ever did in five years combined, prior to enlisting in his services. I'm not kidding.
To add, Peter Fagan is one of the most delightful, honest, hardworking, intelligent, resourceful and helpful business owners that I have ever encountered.
You're probably thinking "Yeah, that's great, but I can't afford to hire a tax guy...". Well that's the best part. Peter Fagan Bookkeeping offers THE most competitive rates that I, personally, have ever come across in the accounting field. His rates are extremely reasonable, and his services are worth every cent.
If you haven't gotten the hint yet, I suggest you email( or call(416-966-9845) Peter and save your place in line for next year's tax season. Most people are miserable during the tax season, but me, I'm at my best because I've got Peter in my corner and he takes care of everything.
When it comes to handling your money, second-best just isn't going to cut it. Enlist the best of the best, and in my books, that's Peter Fagan Bookkeeping - bar none.