| - My girlfriend and I are celebrating our Valentine's Day one day early. We had a nice dinner and thought we'd see the comedy show there tonight afterwards. It being my first amateur comedy show, I didn't expect a cover charge. I was wrong, and that's perfectly ok. I asked my girlfriend if she'd like to see the show if we're paying a cover charge. She didn't, so I told the door guy (short blonde hair, sitting behind a table near the entrance) "We'll be back another time."
And I meant it, I did intend to come back another time. I just couldn't afford it tonight.
As we were stepping out the door, I heard him say "You're dressed too nice anyway, get the fuck out of my bar." My girlfriend had glanced over her shoulder when she heard him speak and saw the words coming out of his mouth.
I'll be sure to relate this story to whomever I know that might decide to darken your doorstep. We were dressed up because we were on a date. I work with my hands and when I'm not working I try to look nice. That's no way to treat your customers or run a business.
EDIT: I was contacted by the person managing the comedy show that night. See below for his message. Names and identifying information have been withheld. The gentleman who swore at me and my girlfriend was not an employee of Memphis on Main.
"RE: Memphis on Main Review
"Hi Ryan, my name is J___ ____, I run ___________ Comedy. I was directed to your review by the manager of Memphis on Main who I believe has been in contact with you as well. I want to apologize more so on behalf of myself for having that happen, it's inexcusable. I was in charge of running the door for my show and at times was short handed and while customers were coming in I had to converse with the performers, help seat people, run sound, or talk to the new patrons who hadn't been to a show, so sometimes I stepped outside or to a different area for a few moments, which created periods of time when I had to have someone step in and run the door for me. The young man you mentioned in your review offered to do so for a few minutes at a time and now in retrospect it was poor judgment on my behalf. I want to say, he in no way works or is in ANY way associated with Memphis on Main other than performing on some of the comedy shows (which he won't be appearing on for a while due to this). It was not Memphis on Main's mistake as they didn't appoint him to the door, it was a mistake of my own for being short handed that evening and allowing him to do so. I feel bad the establishment is taking the brunt of your very deserved complaint, when the blame ultimately falls on me. I personally go out of my way to ensure a welcoming environment at any show with my label on it and am always so appreciative of anyone taking time to come out to one of our shows that I feel quite terrible that this situation occurred. Almost every show we do is no cover (the rarity was this past Wed when we had a "headline" comic in who required compensation, thus the cover at the door) - While I understand why you would not want to come back after a rather rude experience, if there is something I am able to do to help change that, please let me know, as we would love for you to come out and get a proper night as the staff and __________ Comedy are really friendly people and hope you don't judge off of one young guy's mistake and poor choice of expression. You can contact me at - thanks for reading, Ryan."