I never even seen the response back from my initial review. However....what was stated I completely disagree. I stated upong checking in we think he has allergies...And as discussed I was never notified that 1-Benadryl was being given as much as it was 2-I was NEVER notified as you called it "he started favoring that one side" which when I picked him up he was walking with an antalgic gait and you agreed with us that there was NO EXCUSE as to why I was never notified. I think your response to what happened is definitely biased considering you want to show a good face for your business. What wasn't mentioned is that you also wanted me to REMOVE MY REVIEW...Which I chose not to. Either way...I thank God my dog was ok. It was never an allergy issue he developed a bacterial infection and his change in his behavior was never once mentioned to me. If you drop your kids off at daycare....parents are notified when Tylenol is given and when they aren't acting normal. So there should be no difference in dog care.