This Giant Eagle truly is giant! And believe me, that's about all it has going for it! You would think that this means you can find what you want, and generally you can, but it also means enormous crowds, no matter when you shop here.
You know that a trip to a large, "one size fits all" chain grocery store like this is not quite the same as shopping at Macy's or Boscov's. You know that it's pretty hard to give a place like this five stars. Its purpose is purely utilitarian. But good gravy, you'd think that a place like this could handle large crowds. It shouldn't take you a half-hour just to get one item.
That's what happened to me yesterday. I would have been better off going to Cogo's or 7-11. I might have paid a bit more, but I would have been in-and-out in under five minutes. I prefer the Giant Eagle in Squirrel Hill.