M.O.B. = Money Over B!tches.
That being said. AVOID this business at all costs. Mob Customs is unworthy of even one star.
Day 1: Went it to get the truck tinted and an alarm system installed. Quoted: $600 with a time of a couple of hours. Dropped the truck of at 1:00pm by 3:30 no phone call. Called back at 5:30 to check the status. Said it was "done."
half an hour later noticed the drivers side door was damaged during the install and the broken door piece was left in the back seat of the truck. PISSED...called to complain. Was told to bring back truck for 'repair' following day.
Day 2: Demanded a refund but Boj would only extend a store credit. broken piece was 'fixed' More like glued back and Boj apologized. Installer said it "fell" off and neglected to inform anyone.
Upon further inspection of the tint, there was visible defects in the edges. Was told it will be replaced but the tint installer was not in.
Also parked the car in a hotel parking garage and the remote would not reach the vehicle unless in sight. Gives any owner piece of mind that their vehicle would be safe.
Day 3: Tint was replaced. Still defects in tint. But it's not worth time and effort to bother. MOB customs needs to hire a better tint installer. After 3 days of "fixing" the alarm still won't work properly when vehicle not in view.
integrity, honesty, pride. Traits all businesses should have but MOB customs fails to deliver. Go elsewhere for any and all car work. You will get ripped off and your time wasted