| - Optical Trend is located in Markham Mall, on Highway 7, just east of Woodbine Ave. It is one of at least 10 optical stores located in the mall, so it is THE place to go when looking for eyewear.
After looking at 100's of frames in different stores, I wandered aimlessly into this store thinking to myself, "They'll have the same old thing that everyone else has". Boy, was I wrong. Their selection was one of the best in the mall...and the items were different than the usual fare. On top of this, they will work within your budget to help you get the biggest bang for your buck.
If you've been out shopping for eyeglasses in the last 10 years, you'll realize that your vision benefit provided by your employer is so low that it will only allow you to buy the cleaning solution, this is the place to go.
I fell instantly in love with a pair of frameless Tag Hauer glasses...until I saw the price.....over $850 ! Ouch ! Who knew something so small could cost so much?
Anyways, the person I was dealing with, a young buck name Leo, explained that they could take the style of the glass and put it on a different would look exactly the the designer label. As I already had an overpriced pair of Prada glasses, I decided to go the cheaper route. Leo explained the process, took my eye measurements and gave me a turnaround time of a week. He was a pleasure to deal with.
The finished product is better than I had hoped...and unless you can fit yourself between my head and the arm of the would have no idea that they're not Tag Haurs! LOL